Sunday, 12 January 2014

Hair Prevention For Hair Health and Texture of Hairs

Hair Prevention For Hair Health and Texture of Hairs
Hairs are the most significant part of our beauty. They play the central role in bringing the self-pride and confidence in our personality, basically the hair is assembled of protein and keratin with hair color pigment. The hairs have the blood supply and sense or reflexes which wind up to hair follicles. The hair follicles are the place of health and texture of hairs. The healthy hairs have good luster and are glazed in look.
For the shelter and care of hairs the following tips should be kept in mind:
Hair wash is the matter which can not be ignored in any ways. The correct selection of hair shampoo and hair conditioner is the important thing to be used frequently merely be careful in their selection and in their utilization the shampoo how much it is mixable to your hairs it might be applied just twice in week and the hair conditioner is applied thrice in a week and the deep conditioning is .used once in month.
The shower with fluoridised water is not to be used.
While swimming the chlorinated water is kept off as much as possible.
Combing or brushing should be served not vigorously by utilizing the suitable technique and of course not to be used the combs and brushes assembled of plastics or metallic materials. It harms the hairs by electrostatic forces.
While applying the hair coloring and hair dye products not to use harsh chemicals in them.
Avoid the hot curlers or hot iron items for hair styling, these will week the hair roots and are the reasons of baldness.
Not to comb or brushing in wet hairs, leave them to dry by normal air and temperature.
Avoid the hair trends in which the original lay of hairs is disturbed much.
Avoid foods which have extra copper and salt contents as both these cause the baldness and hair texture is disturbed.
Do specific massaging with natural organic oils twice in a week to stimulate the hair follicles in a good way.
Hairs are the expression of your entire health and personality so keep them in good shape by proper care.


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